Upcoming webinars
Looking to study, work or live in New Zealand but don’t know where to start? Our free immigration webinars are designed to give you up-to-date information on immigration policies, advice and opinions about living and working in New Zealand and cover major areas of interest expressed by migrants.
Are you interested in joining a free webinar? Please click on the below button for information of upcoming webinars. All our webinars are free of charge.
Approaches to Work Visas in New Zealand (in English)
Approaches to Work Visas in New Zealand (in Mandarin Chinese)
Approaches to Work Visa in New Zealand (in Korean)
Anywhere in the world
Topic: Approaches to Work Visas in New Zealand
Time: 3 December 2024, 8AM (NZDT)
The webinar will be conducted in English.
Register Here!
Would you like to get a work visa for New Zealand? Do you know there is more than one type of work visa? Are you familiar with the new rules for work visa and partner’s work right? Doris Schoeller will explain the approaches to work visa and you will have the opportunity to ask any related questions you might have. The topic covers,
- Accredited Employer work visa
- Specific work visas
- Study and work
- Partners and dependents work rights
Residence pathways
Topic: Approaches to Work Visa in New Zealand
Time: 11 December 2024, 7PM (NZDT) – 3PM (KST)
The webinar will be conducted in Korean.
여기로 웨비나 등록해 주세요!
뉴질랜드 워크비자. 새로 개정된 파트너 워크비자 소개.
- 고용주인증 워크비자
- 한국 특별 워크비자
- 학업을 하면서 일할 권리
- 파트너 워크비자및 자녀 일할 권리
- 영주권 루트
Topic: Approaches to Work Visas in New Zealand
Time: 10 December 2024, 7pm (NZDT) – 2pm (CST)
The webinar will be conducted in Mandarin Chinese (minimal English).
- 中国特色职业工签
- 雇主认证工签
- 通过学习拿到工签
- 陪读父母的工作权
- 配偶和子女的签证政策更新
- 工签后的移民路径