Upcoming webinars

Looking to study, work or live in New Zealand but don’t know where to start? Our free immigration webinars are designed to give you up-to-date information on immigration policies, advice and opinions about living and working in New Zealand and cover major areas of interest expressed by migrants.

Are you interested in joining a free webinar? Please click on the below button for information of upcoming webinars. All our webinars are free of charge.

Approaches to Work Visas in New Zealand (in English)


Investor Visa in New Zealand (in Mandarin Chinese)


Investor Visa in New Zealand (in Korean)


Anywhere in the world

Topic: Approaches to Work Visas in New Zealand

Time:  3 December 2024, 8AM (NZDT) 

The webinar will be conducted in English.



Register Here!


Would you like to get a work visa for New Zealand? Do you know there is more than one type of work visa? Are you familiar with the new rules for work visa and partner’s work right? Doris Schoeller will explain the approaches to work visa and you will have the opportunity to ask any related questions you might have. The topic covers,


  • Accredited Employer work visa
  • Specific work visas
  • Study and work
  • Partners and dependents work rights
  • Residence pathways


Topic: Investor Visa in New Zealand

Time:   20 March 2025, 7PM (NZDT) – 3PM (KST)

The webinar will be conducted in Korean.  

Investor visa in New Zealand free webinar in Korean

여기로 웨비나 등록해 주세요!

2025 2월에 발표된 투자이민 조건에 대해 설명회를 개최합니다.


  • 2025년에 새로 발표된 투자이민 : 변화내용
  • 투자이민을 위한 조건들
  • 왜 뉴질랜드에 투자이민을 해야 하는 가?
  • 투자이민 준비시 고려해야 할 상황들

Topic: Investor Visa in New Zealand​

Time:  19 March 2025, 7pm (NZDT) – 2pm (CST)

The webinar will be conducted in Mandarin Chinese (minimal English).



新西兰在2025年4月1日即将实施投资移民新政策- Active Investor Plus Visa. 我们3月份的讲座跟大家介绍一下新政策的内容和要点,以及为什么投资新西兰更具吸引力。讲座将由Access NZ移民律师事务所总监和资深移民顾问Doris Schoeller以及持牌移民顾问Susanna Lin为大家共同主持。


  • 新增投资类别和可接受投资范围
  • 投资流程和资金到位期限
  • 资产的所有权和合法性
  • 为什么选择新西兰投资