Clifton and Lena met in 2014 and fell in love almost immediately. Communicating with each other was very much restricted to online time since Lena lived in Tajikistan and Clifton in New Zealand. That didn’t deter Clifton and he visited Lena a number of times, in her hometown of Dushanbe in Tajikistan, and when holidaying together in Thailand.

During one of his visits Clifton invited Lena to come and visit him in New Zealand. It is not an easy task to come to New Zealand as a visitor from Tajikistan, and one thing you definitely need is to have an invitation, a reason to come (or a reason to return back to your country), and documented evidence of your relationship to the person inviting you etc.





Visiting New Zealand

But Clifton and Lena were well prepared, provided all the necessary documents and received their visitor visa without any problem. Lena has two lovely kids, Romin and Diana, who integrated very well in their school and their English is exceptional after only 5 months in the country.

The 3 of them were very much welcomed by the whole extended family and Granddad is very happy to have gained two adopted grand children and – to make the family complete – one grandchild on the way! There was some impatient waiting times for the kids since they had to wait for their student visas to allow them to continue to attend school but that was overcome too in the end.



Living in New Zealand

After living in a stable and genuine relationship for 4 or 5 months Lena applied for an open work visa on the basis of her partnership with Clifton. They got married in between and are expecting their first child together!

It is wonderful to be part of a journey that has a happy ending! After 12 months of living together, Lena will be able to apply for residency in New Zealand. We are confident that we will succeed in obtaining the residency visa for her too. For now, we wish them the very best for the upcoming birth of their first child!

Let us know if you too need to put a good ending to your own multicultural love story and contact us on  or fill out our free assessment form on our home page to find out more about your migration options.