Employer accreditation renewal


Immigration New Zealand (INZ) has resolved an issue where some employers who applied to renew their accreditation were not granted interim accreditation when they should have been.

All employers who were eligible have now been granted interim accreditation, and any valid Job Check job tokens have been reinstated.

INZ recognises there has been some ambiguity about when employer accreditation expires. Employer accreditation will now be valid until 23:59 (New Zealand Time) on the expiry date. Renewal applications made up to this time and date will be granted interim accreditation if eligible.

This is consistent with visa expiry dates.

Any employers who have applied to renew on the expiry date will also be granted interim accreditation if they were otherwise eligible (unless their accreditation application has already been decided). Any valid job tokens will be reinstated.

INZ encourage all employers and their advisers to apply to renew their accreditation at least six weeks before it expires.

Some employers may have a short gap between their accreditation expiring and interim accreditation being granted, if they are eligible for this. This is more likely when applications are made close to the accreditation expiry date, as necessary checks need to take place. Once interim accreditation is granted, any valid job tokens will be reinstated.

(Image by Drazen Zigic on Freepik)