Are you already an accredited employer?

Are you already an accredited employer?

If your business is already accredited and your accreditation expires before 31 October 2021, you have until 30 June 2021 to apply for renewal, applications to renew accreditations will close at the end of this month until new system is available in late September. If...
Visa extensions and median wage increase

Visa extensions and median wage increase

  Changes to onshore visas will provide employers and visa holders with more certainty, Immigration Minister Kris Faafoi has announced. Around 10,000 Working Holiday visas and Supplementary Seasonal Employment (SSE) work visas due to expire between 21 June 2021...
Introducing new accreditation and single work visa

Introducing new accreditation and single work visa

Must read ! Important news have been released by Immigration New Zealand this morning, a new temporary visa called Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWW) will come into effect on 1 November 2021 and will replace the existing 6 work visas. Key point are summarized below:...
Thinking about buying a business in New Zealand?

Thinking about buying a business in New Zealand?

If you are experienced in business and want to work in your own business in New Zealand, then you can look to migrate to NZ under Entrepreneur Work Visa Category. Under this category you can buy or set up a business in NZ and operate your business successfully for a...