visa processing fee increase INZ


INZ has announced that changes to visa charges, made up of fees and levies, will take effect from 1 October 2024. Most visa charges will increase.

The increases ensure that those using and benefitting from the immigration system contribute more to the cost of running it, including visa processing, risk management, and compliance activities.

These changes will reduce the taxpayer contribution to the immigration system by $563 million over four years.

Visa processing times won’t be impacted when the charges come into effect. Separate work is underway to improve our online services and our efficiency in assessing and processing visas and managing and identifying risk. We expect the costs of running the immigration system will reduce over time.

For the full monty, please click on this link: Table of changes to fee and levy rates (

Complete applications help save time and money

A reminder that incomplete applications may be declined. INZ cannot refund fees for declined applications, and customers will need to reapply and pay again.

Subsidies continue for Pacific visas

There will be no increases for Recognised Seasonal Employer, Pacific Access Category, and Samoan Quota visas, in recognition of New Zealand’s ongoing commitment to supporting its Pacific neighbours.

The Refugee Quota and programmes related to New Zealand’s international and humanitarian obligations will continue to be funded by the government.

(Photo credit to Freepik)